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I came, I saw, I cheesed

May 13, 2006

Crap, my mom now reads

my blog.


After showing her the previous post dedicated to her (and of course your wishes too :D), she demanded me to teach her how to log on to cheeserland.

And now my blog becomes her daily CNN (Cheesie News Network).

Hooray. No more phallic candy!


Well, to divert her attention give her more alternative reading pleasure, i showed her some other interesting blogs too.

And now, she's addicted to


Keju. I've helped promote your blog to reach a whole new level of audience. So the fondue dinner'd better be worth it man.


I know this is totally irrelevant but

Happy Mother's Day!

If you're reading this, mom, just so you know, you should be proud of your daughter cuz she actually can look good on the left side too.


Luv ya!

Oh yea. Almost forgot.

Pun of the day:
If you can't celebrate Mom's day with your beloved mom for whatever excuse, give her a ring!
(whichever you prefer. Of course, i'll choose the electrical version. =P)

20 people cheesed:

  • At 5/13/2006 11:05:00 PM, Blogger kennysia said…

    hello auntie. Err... wanna join us for some cheese fondue? I promise you I'm not as naughty as I seem online. Please let me hang out with your daughter.

    *puppy eyes*

  • At 5/13/2006 11:22:00 PM, Blogger L1 said…

    Hello aunty.. hope you're well over there and had a nice birthday! Hope to see you with Cheesie when I'm back again.. lunches/dinners are on me this time! :o)

  • At 5/13/2006 11:27:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    wow!! okaasan ha sugoi ne. blog mo yonderu ne.
    yokatta jan!

    its ok whether its relevant or not... as long as the fact is relevant : kimi ha hontou ni kirei dayo! ^_^

  • At 5/13/2006 11:33:00 PM, Blogger cheesie said…

    Keju: Request pending approval. :P

    Funnycheese: Thank you!

    Porkie: Waa so nice of you =)

    asada: Sou ne. Haha wa atashi ni internet no koto wo oshiesaseta. :P

  • At 5/13/2006 11:50:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Plz forgive my rudeness, but im just curious...

    Do you celebrate Father's Day?

    Btw, i think the pic shall include your mom (to make it relevant??)...
    Attach with the ring maybe...


  • At 5/14/2006 12:22:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yeah i know what you mean by not being able to celebrate with your parents over mom's or pup's day!! i always give them a BUZZ... sad sad sad...

    anyway, auntie!! you are so luck to have such a daughter... arent you proud? hehehe....

  • At 5/14/2006 12:36:00 AM, Blogger cheesie said…

    Anonie: Hello! Yes i do. I celebrate Father's Day with mom too. =)
    Yea i should make mom take more bimbo pix like me. =P

    Crash: Ring her zhor mei? 12am d!

  • At 5/14/2006 01:15:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yes dear!! haha.. mei ah... fun chor la.. will ring her tomorrow. what about you?

    any plans for this weekend?

  • At 5/14/2006 01:20:00 AM, Blogger allen said…

    happy mama's day to all mamas!

    cheesie! you look stunningly sweet in that pic. But.. hmm.. shouldn't you have a mama's pic, or at least something relevant to mama in mama's day post? =P

  • At 5/14/2006 01:54:00 AM, Blogger Angel said…

    ya,happy mother's day..
    i've read on the papers today..
    and confirmed it through wikipedia..
    sth about cheese...
    thought might wanna share with you..
    if you visit holland,go alkmaar..
    it's a very cheesy place..
    famous for it's cheese market..
    1 of the remaining 4 dutch cheese market..
    holland can be a very cheesy place,literally and metaphoricly..
    that's all..

  • At 5/14/2006 03:37:00 AM, Blogger endroo G said…

    Veni, Vidi, Vicheese !

  • At 5/14/2006 09:25:00 AM, Blogger cheesie said…

    Happy Mother's Day everyone!

    Nah i'm back in PJ. We celebrated in advance. =)

    a2blog:Thank you! Haha she's not used to constant publicity yet. :P

    angel: Hey thank you so much for info. :) Holland is incheese the land of cheese. Whoa i can smell that big fat Gouda d.

    endroo g:Yes yes, welcheese. :)

  • At 5/14/2006 10:45:00 AM, Blogger s0hp0h said…

    lolx.. auntie cheesie is so 'in' eh.. happy mothers days to aunty cheesie.. hmm.. just wondering,,how come no happy daughter's day ga?? lolx..

  • At 5/14/2006 01:15:00 PM, Blogger endroo G said…

    plue_lp: How can you make your mom treat you like king/queen on Daughter's Day ?? Right? It against the teachings of Conficius.

    Hehe. :) Happy Whatever Day.

  • At 5/14/2006 01:54:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    endroo g & plue_lp: Don't you realize except Father's Day and Mother's Day, everyday is Son's/Daugther's Day!


  • At 5/14/2006 03:31:00 PM, Blogger Kelly Siew said…

    yeah my mom's in KL and i'm still stuck in melbourne....

    but i've ringed her and it's all good...

    now she's happily shopping in KL!

  • At 5/15/2006 06:46:00 PM, Blogger endroo G said…


    You have your point there on Son's/Daughter's Day. I raise my legs to agree.

  • At 5/15/2006 10:28:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    left or right, up or down,180 degrees or 360 degrees, you still look good la :)

  • At 5/16/2006 01:11:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    wat a coincidence, my mum also recently started reading my blog...and she can do that the whole day! oh no...haha

  • At 5/18/2006 03:07:00 PM, Blogger Tiger said…

    haha.. yah man left side, right side. both pass. haha...


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